farmvillecryptogame| Agricultural machinery: Analysts say that agricultural machinery exports will fall 8.5% year-on-year in 2023. Exports will increase by 6.7% year-on-year in 2024Q1

Category:49jili Date: View:23

Source: Gangtise Investment Research

[Agricultural Machinery] Analysts said that agricultural machinery exports in 2023 will fall by 8% year-on-yearfarmvillecryptogame.5%, 2024Q1 exports increased by 6% year-on-yearfarmvillecryptogame.7%。Agricultural machinery exports are gradually being repaired, one of the reasons is the Russian-speaking areafarmvillecryptogameDemand is growing rapidly. Export Russian-speaking areafarmvillecryptogameTractors are the main agricultural machinery. At present, the export proportion of small tractors is declining, while the export proportion of medium and large tractors is increasing. Agricultural machinery exports are expected to increase year-on-year in 2024, and domestic sales will benefit from the impact of the trade-in policy and are expected to be boosted.