oppaslot| FAW Fuwei: The company's existing equipment and manufacturing technology have the ability to manufacture interior and exterior decoration products for low-altitude aircraft

Category:49jili Date: View:22

Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center reported on April 30 that an investor asked FAW Fuwei (600742)(600742). Secretary Dong said that many key parts of low-altitude aircraft come from the processing and production of auto parts manufacturers.oppaslotI would like to ask whether your company's equipment technology can be used to process low-altitude aircraft, such as flipboards, seats, etc.?

The company replied, Hello, the company's existing equipment and manufacturing technology have the ability to manufacture interior and exterior decoration products for low-altitude aircraft. Thank you for your attention to the company! Investors are kindly requested to make decisions carefully and pay attention to investment risks. Thank you for your attention!