wemadecrypto| CPIC Property and Casualty Insurance Hubei Branch was fined 105,000 yuan for entrusting individuals who had not registered to practice to engage in insurance agency business

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Financial frontline news on April 30wemadecrypto, the Administrative Penalty Information Disclosure Form of Hubei Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration shows thatwemadecryptoThe Hubei Branch of China Pacific Property Insurance Co., Ltd. was punished by the Hubei Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration for failing to use approved or filed insurance clauses, insurance premiums and entrusting individuals who had not registered for practice to engage in insurance agency business as required. The Bureau warned and fined 10wemadecrypto.50,000 yuan; two relevant responsible persons were warned respectively and a cumulative fine of 1wemadecrypto.20,000 yuan.