revolandgamedownload| Non-bank Financial Industry Weekly View: Potential external disturbances still need to be paid attention to, mergers and acquisitions are expected to promote the brokerage market

Category:49jili Date: View:22

This week, the market was affected by the stagflation of the Federal Reserve and the policy of the State Council focusing on building a "national team" of the financial industry, superimposed northward capital fluctuations to break the impact of record inflows, the market wind increased on Friday, the market sharply strengthened. Centralized disclosure of performanceRevolandgamedownloadApril is about to pass, the market is about to enter May, the market has ushered in a performance vacuum, which is expected to change the defensive market state since April. In terms of transaction rhythm, the expected impact of the first M & An and restructuring of the brokerage sector this week, the transaction volume is nearly 4% higher than that on Thursday.Revolandgamedownload.25 times to 51.3 billion (August 2023 peak is 1564Revolandgamedownload6.8 billion yuan, accounting for 31.47% of the Shanghai Stock Exchange transaction, 14.92% of the total A, 10.58% of the Shanghai Stock Exchange transaction and 4.7% of the total A. We believe that the potential impact of M & An expectations on the sector may be higher, focusing on the first Securities, Zhejiang Merchants Securities, Guolian Securities, China Galaxy and other representative stocks.RevolandgamedownloadAt the same time, from the perspective of odds, it is recommended to pay attention to the financial IT plate, focusing on wealth trend, flush, etc., while the mutual fund platform suggests paying attention to oriental wealth, compass and so on. The valuation of insurance stocks has been repaired, focusing on life insurance reform and fundamental repair. The yield on 10-year treasury bonds fell below 2.40% and rebounded to around 2.31% this week. The valuation of the insurance sector has been repaired, and the follow-up trend needs to pay close attention to life insurance reform and fundamental repair. We believe that the fundamentals of insurance liabilities continue to recover weakly. The premiums of the five listed insurance companies in the first quarter of 2024 were 1.07 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.96% compared with the same period last year, with Xinhua Insurance premiums growing at the back. New orders are expected to be under great pressure in the second quarter, but the renewal business remains optimistic. Risk hints: Sino-US friction aggravates risk; Sino-US interest rate spread continues to hang upside down risk; geopolitical risk; macroeconomic downside risk; real estate risk is less than expected risk; stock market systemic decline risk; regulatory risk. [disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

[disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.