familyarcade| Blinken claimed that China relied not on "comparative advantages" but "unfair advantages", but China refuted it!

Category:49jili Date: View:23

[global Times-Global Times reporter Wu Yuanchun] Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian hosted a regular press conference on May 10. At the meeting, the Global Times-World wide Web reporter asked questions.FamilyarcadeIt is reported that US Secretary of State Abraham Lincoln recently said at a forum hosted by the McCain Institute that China does not rely on "comparative advantage" but "unfair advantage" in international trade. How do you comment on this?Familyarcade?

"what the US side said goes against the common sense of economics and ignores the objective facts." In response to a question from a reporter from the Global Times-Global Network, Lin Jian said that China's economy is growing in the ocean of the global market and follows the norms of international trade and the rules of market economy. it depends on super-large-scale market advantages, complete industrial facilities, rich labor resources and sufficient market competition, which are China's comparative advantages.

Lin Jian further said that the United States has generalized national security in the economic field, engaged in "decoupling and breaking the chain", built "small courtyards and high walls", artificially interfered with normal international trade, and subsidized its specific industries through the "inflation reduction Act." it has also included a large number of discriminatory arrangements against foreign enterprises, especially the exclusion restrictions against China.

"aren't these behaviors that go against globalization, exclude competition and violate the laws of the market economy seeking unfair advantages?" Lin Jian said: on the one hand, the United States blames China, but it says one thing and does another. This is a typical act of double standards and bullying. The Chinese side demands that the United States respect the laws of the market economy, abide by the international economic and trade rules, stop irresponsibly smearing and slander, stop generalizing the concept of national security, and correct non-market policies and practices.