sexyvideopoker| Large-scale energy storage: It is estimated that the domestic lithium battery energy storage installed capacity will be approximately 80GWh in 2024

Category:49jili Date: View:31

Source Gangtise Investment Research

experts saidsexyvideopokerIt is estimated that the domestic lithium battery energy storage installed capacity will be approximately 80GWh in 2024.sexyvideopokerIndustrial and commercial energy storage will account for 10%, and the rest will be large-scale energy storage projects. The production capacity of 320Ah batteries has just begun, and 2024H1 will not become the mainstream, and the proportion of 2024H2 will increase;500 - 1000Ah batteries will not be actually used in 2024 and are expected to appear only in 2025. The mainstream battery market in 2024 is expected to be 280Ah batteries, and the proportion of 320Ah or 314Ah batteries will increase. The current price of energy storage bidding is stable at 0sexyvideopoker.7~0sexyvideopoker.9 yuan/Wh. Considering cost and market factors, there is little room for decline in this price range in the future.