drunkstrippoker| Everbright Futures: May 14 Agricultural Products Daily

Category:49jili Date: View:25

Protein mealDrunkstrippoker:

CBOT soybeans rose on Monday on fears that crops in southern Brazil would be damaged by floods, propping up the market. An agency cut Brazilian soybean production by 300000 tons to 1.Drunkstrippoker. 428.2 billion tons. American beans export inspection of 406000 tons, higher than the previous estimate of 20-40 range. Of which China accounts for 17.85%. The crop report released after the plate shows that the planting rate of American beans is 35%, which is lower than the 39% expected by the market, and the emergence rate of American beans is 16%, slightly lower than the 17% of the previous year. On the domestic side, protein meal is strong and volatile, and spot prices follow higher. In the second quarter, the arrival of soybeans to Hong Kong was high, the downstream demand was poor, and the pressure of soybean meal accumulation was high. But the market has basically digested this, soybean meal base stop drop can be verified on the side. At present, cost is the main logic of the market, paying attention to the change of water supply in South America and the trend of American beans. In operation, you can choose the opportunity to participate in the month, soybean meal unilateral concussion is strong, buy meal to sell oil arbitrage hold.


BMD palm oil rose on Monday, following CBOT-related gains, while the market was waiting for further guidance from export data. The USDA supply and demand report and the MPOB supply and demand report released last week are both bearish. After the bad is realized, the market pays attention to the export side. The previous export data from May 1 to 10 showed a month-on-month decline of 14.2% and 28.9%. In addition, the market is also concerned about the impact of crude oil prices on the demand for raw wood. CBOT soybean oil maintains a strong trend, and the market pays close attention to the changes in biodiesel policy in the United States. Domestically, the three major vegetable oils followed the rise. My agricultural products (000061) network data show that the three major vegetable oil stocks continue to decline, down 3.44% from the previous week. Among them, soybean oil and palm oil stocks decreased, rapeseed oil stocks increased. The inflection point of the accumulation cycle expected by the market continues to move backward. In operation, unilateral concussion is on the strong side, which is positive during the month.

Live pigs:

The pig contract continued to rise in September on Monday. The September contract for live pigs rose 105 yuan / ton, or 0.58%, and rose more than 2% on Friday and Monday. In the spot market, the average price of Henan pig market is 15.24 yuan / kg, which is 0.21 yuan / kg lower than last Saturday. The price of 120-130 kg well-bred pigs in the local market is 15.15-15.40 yuan / kg; the price of improved-bred pigs of small and medium-sized farmers is about 15.00 yuan / kg, and the individual low price is 14.80 yuan / kg; the market price of 140-150 kg big pigs is 14.80-15.00 yuan / kg. Downstream slaughtering enterprise social farm improved breed standard pig mainstream purchase price is about 15.00 yuan / kg, each weighs about 120 kg. On the whole, pig prices led the rise, spot prices stopped rising and falling after May Day, and the basis was weaker. Technically, the 60-day moving average of the pig September contract supports the pig price, the short-term operation pays attention to the supporting role of the moving average system, and the long-term bulls can continue to hold.


On Monday, the spot price of eggs rose. After the main futures 2409 contract opened high in early trading, the daily income fell 0.55% to close at 4013 yuan / 500kg; the 2405 contract closed at 5.01% to close at 3290 yuan / 500kg, entering the delivery month. 2405 contract discount spot, as the spot continues to rise, futures prices rise. Zhuochuang data show that yesterday, the national egg price was 3.77 yuan / jin, up 0.13 yuan / jin from the previous month. Among them, Ningjin pink shell eggs 3.7 yuan / jin, month-on-month increase 0.2 yuan / jin, Montenegro market brown shell eggs 3.6 yuan / jin, up 0.2 yuan / jin; in the sales area, Puxi brown shell eggs 3.82 yuan / jin, up 0.11 yuan / jin, Guangzhou market brown shell eggs 4 yuan / jin, 0.02 yuan / jin. Laying hens around continue the upward trend, but in the short term, the supply is stable, traders purchase on demand. Fundamental data show that the layer stock continues to increase, the chicken age structure is younger, and the egg supply will continue to increase. In addition, the short-term plum rainy season is not conducive to storage, according to the seasonal trend, the spot price of eggs in mid-late May is expected to decline. At present, the long-short game in the futures market, it is suggested to wait and see for the time being, wait for the future operation opportunity, and pay attention to the spot price of eggs and the change of market sentiment.


On Monday, the main corn contract shock close cross star, futures price upward progress slowed down, showing a short-term shock performance. At present, the average domestic price of corn is 2346 yuan / ton, up 2 yuan / ton from the 11th. The arrival volume of the port increased this morning, the loading demand of the port decreased, and the purchase price of traders was stable and weak. There are not many grass-roots grain sources in the producing area, and traders are more enthusiastic in purchasing, and the phenomenon of rushing to collect dry grain has occurred in some areas, pushing up prices slightly. At present, the bullish mentality of traders in the production areas is on the strong side, the 14 water directly under Changchun is 2330 yuan / ton, and the grass-roots grain sources are decreasing, and traders' sentiment of cherishing sales is becoming more and more obvious. And grass-roots food sources continue to decrease, traders are becoming more and more reluctant to sell. Since the weekend, from the front of the deep processing door to the vehicles in North China has remained low, and the corn prices of deep processing enterprises have been stable and strong as a whole. Shandong deep processing morning arrival of less than 300 vehicles, corn prices as a whole increased by 10-20 yuan / ton. The prices of Hebei and Henan deep processing enterprises rose by 10-22 per ton. At present, the bullish mentality of the market is gradually increasing. After the price falls, the willingness of traders to ship goods decreases, and the downstream enterprises raise prices again to promote income. Technical indicators show that the main corn contract price 40-day moving average provides support for short-term prices, and the price range moves up. The short-term index of corn main contract pays attention to the price performance near the integer pressure of 2500 yuan, and the medium-term price is expected to be strong.