pokerroomnearme| On May 15, Haotong Technology now traded 2 million yuan in bulk

Category:49jili Date: View:18

Securities Star NewspokerroomnearmeOn May 15, a large transaction occurred in Haotong Technology. The transaction data is as followspokerroomnearme

The transaction price of the block transaction was 25 yuan, a discount of 4.4% to the closing price of the day.pokerroomnearme.94%, 80,000 shares were sold, with a transaction value of 2 million yuan. The buyer's business department is Xuzhou Zhongshan South Road Securities Business Department of Dongguan Securities Co., Ltd., and the seller's business department is Xuzhou Jianguo West Road Securities Business Department of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.

In the past three months, a total of 1 large transaction occurred in the stock, with a total transaction volume of 800pokerroomnearme.0 lot, 1 transaction was sold at a discount. The stock has not been listed recently.

As of the close of May 15, 2024, Haotong Technology (301026) closed at 26.3 yuan, up 5.79%, with a turnover rate of 7.5%, a turnover of 43,700 lots, and a turnover of 114 million yuan.

The stock has no institutional rating in the last 90 days.

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