radhejackpot| The market is stable and rising in the short term: resolve medium-and long-term risks and focus on the 3150-point pressure level

Category:49jili Date: View:22

News summary

Although the short-term market has been repeatedradhejackpot, but medium-term risks have been resolvedradhejackpot, there is limited room for pullback, and the upside space is proportional to the volume and energy. If the volume can be released, there will be greater room for upside in the broader market.

Newsletter text

[Medium-term risks have dissipated, and the market stabilizes and is expected to rise]

Although the market is fluctuating in the short term, the gap between daily and weekly lines has been filled and the risks have been resolved. The intraday correction is limited in scale. Once it falls back, the market is expected to resume its upward trend. The upside is closely related to trading volume. If trading volume can grow strongly, it will push the market higher further; if trading volume growth is insufficient, the market may face pressure above 3150 points.