tripleplaypokermachine| Weili Transmission (300904.SZ): It plans to spend 20 million-30 million yuan to buy back the company's shares

Category:49jili Date: View:26

Gelonghui May 20 丨 Weinig Transmission (300904.SZ) announcedtripleplaypokermachine, the company plans to use its own funds to repurchase part of the company's issued RMB ordinary shares (A shares) through centralized bidding transactions (hereinafter referred to as the "repurchase"). All the repurchased shares will be used to implement employee stock ownership plans or equity incentives. If the company fails to use the repurchased shares for the above-mentioned purposes within three years from the date of completion of this repurchase, the unused portion of the repurchased shares will be cancelled in accordance with the law. The total amount of funds for repurchase of shares shall not be less than RMB 2tripleplaypokermachine,0 million yuan (inclusive), no more than RMB 30 million yuan (inclusive). Price range for share repurchase: No more than RMB 60.00/share (inclusive). The repurchase implementation period shall be 12 months from the date when the company's board of directors reviewed and approved the repurchase plan.