blackjackcasino| You must be cautious when building an industrial and investment company!

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From the perspective of public informationBlackjackcasinoAt present, many places throughout the country have clearly proposed the establishment of production and development groups or industrial investment groups. For example, Qingdao Haifa Industry Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.BlackjackcasinoYangzhou Industrial Investment Development Group Co., Ltd., established in Yangzhou City. The above cases are only the public information seen by bond migrant workers, and there may be more actual or planned production and investment companies. According to the latest regulatory framework of corporate bonds of the exchange, it can be confirmed that urban investment companies will receive strict supervision and restrictions on corporate bond financing in the future, and the difficulty of new corporate bond financing will increase to a certain extent. From the perspective of supervision, encouraging urban investment companies to carry out industrial transformation is a key direction. Through the establishment of production and investment companies, on the one hand, it can effectively promote regional industrial development, improve regional industrial structure, introduce emerging industries, and improve the quality of regional economic development. On the other hand, industry and investment companies are more in line with the financial supervision policy, especially in financing, they can realize market-oriented financing without considering multiple restrictions such as hidden debt list and 3899 list, regional debt ratio and calculation of financial indicators. Expand new financing channels and financing methods.

In view of the upsurge that industrial investment groups are being set up all over the country, bond migrant workers need to say seriously that building production and investment companies must be cautious, and blindly setting up production and investment companies is likely to bring unexpired losses to the company.

First of all, production and investment companies need to determine the industrial direction in line with the company's own situation and regional development. What can be confirmed is that the high-quality resources of local governments and their subordinate organizations have basically been allocated to urban investment companies, and there are not many existing high-quality resources, so in fact, there is even less development direction for production and investment companies. If the existing resources are used to build production and investment companies within the scope of the merger of urban investment companies, they will face greater uncertainty when declaring bonds.

Secondly, production and investment companies need professional market-oriented personnel and a matching salary system, which needs to be matched perfectly for production and investment companies, but it is difficult for urban investment companies or local governments to match corresponding market-oriented professionals. Production and investment without market-oriented professionals actually does not have the potential for sustainable development, even if the new financing scale can be achieved, it is difficult to have prospects for future development.

Thirdly, it is difficult for production and investment companies to decouple from local government credit in actual operation, which means that production and investment companies may have to assume part of the responsibilities of urban investment companies in the future. especially the borrowing of funds between some municipal public projects and local governments. This function is contrary to the original intention of setting up production and investment companies, but it is estimated that it is difficult to avoid it completely in practice.

Finally, there is no uniform standard for production and investment companies at present. "335" is only a reference index for regulators to examine bonds, and many factors such as regional economic development and debt situation need to be taken into account when adding new bonds. Therefore, even if the industry and investment companies built in strict accordance with the "335" standard, it is likely that they still do not meet the requirements of new bonds.

The industrial transformation of urban investment companies is a gradual process, not achieved overnight, so the business structure of urban investment companies will gradually change, which means that the attribute of urban investment is gradually decreasing. Therefore, the evaluation and analysis of the industrial transformation of urban investment companies is also a gradual process, which needs to be comprehensively analyzed according to the practice and regulatory rules of urban investment companies.