crashbandicootjunglerollers| Attention! Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of Communications and China CITIC Bank announced the latest suspension of this business

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Every editor Lu Xiangyong

Another big state-owned bank has announced the adjustment of its card-free withdrawal service.

In order to promote the high-quality development of its business and strengthen risk management, the Bank of Communications will stop the reservation withdrawal service in the card-free withdrawal function of personal mobile banks from May 24, the Bank of Communications said in a notice on its website on May 21.

It is reported that the Bank of Communications's card-free withdrawal business is divided into two types, one is the stop of card-free withdrawal, that is, first make a withdrawal appointment through the mobile bank, and then go to the Bank of Communications ATM, do not insert the card, and withdraw cash directly based on the reservation code, transaction password and mobile phone dynamic password set by yourself at the time of the appointment. The other is ATM code scan withdrawal, you can select "card-free withdrawal" on the ATM of Bank of Communications, then open the mobile bank of Bank of Communications, click on the upper right corner of the "my" page to scan the icon, scan the QR code on the cash machine, select the withdrawal account, and click "confirm withdrawal".

The Agricultural Bank and Citic Bank also announced the adjustment of the card-free withdrawal service in May.

In early May, the Agricultural Bank of China announced on its websiteCrashbandicootjunglerollersThe announcement of the suspension of cash withdrawing service without card. According to the announcement, the Agricultural Bank of China suspended its card-free withdrawal service from May 9.

Citic Bank said in a notice on its website on May 16 that it would turn off the cash self-service equipment authorization code withdrawal function from May 17.

All three banks said that after the suspension of the above services, customers can still withdraw money by reading cards, scanning codes, and facial scanning, or go to cash self-service equipment and business outlets with bank cards to handle cash withdrawal related business.

In addition, for some time, a number of banks, including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China, Construction Bank, Postal savings Bank and so on, have also adjusted their card-free withdrawal services to varying degrees.

It is worth mentioning that some banks support ATM mobile banking to scan the code to withdraw cash. Take ICBC as an example, its customer service informed that the card-free cash withdrawal function of ICBC's personal mobile bank has been suspended since April 17, and customers can withdraw cash through the ATM mobile bank code scanning function, or insert a card on the ATM.

According to the customer service, the operation method of scanning code to withdraw cash is to select the "handle with mobile phone" option on the cash machine, then click "mobile phone scan code to withdraw money", use the mobile phone bank "scan" function to scan the QR code, enter the withdrawal amount and authenticate it, and then complete the follow-up operation. However, the customer service stressed that there may also be restrictions on the amount of withdrawal, the number of withdrawals and the effective time of scanning the code of the savings card.

Judging from the position of the banks, the move is mainly out of financial security and risk prevention considerations. Industry experts said that customer capital security, bank risk prevention and control and cost reduction are the main considerations for commercial banks to adjust card-free withdrawal services. In the follow-up, it is expected that some banks will follow up on the adjustment of card-free deposit and withdrawal business.

Recently, a number of regional banks have also closed the ATM code-scanning deposit and withdrawal business. According to incomplete statistics, since the beginning of this year, a number of regional banks, such as Xingyi Agricultural and Commercial Bank and Guizhou New area Development Village Bank, have issued announcements one after another to turn off the ATM scanning deposit or withdrawal function.

Stretching the time line, since 2022, a number of banks, including China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Guangfa Bank and CITIC Bank, have turned off the ATM QR code deposit function.

At that time, the operation process of the ATM QR code deposit function launched by various banks was basically similar. Users clicked on the QR code deposit function on the ATM, logged in the mobile bank to scan the QR code, selected the deposit account to enter the password, and deposited the cash in the ATM. From the bank's point of view, the cancellation of this business is to implement regulatory requirements and protect the financial security of customers.

Some bank staff revealed that some criminals had taken advantage of the loophole in the deposit of the ATM QR code to take pictures of the relevant QR code and send it to contacts in various places to operate the deposit remotely. As a result, major banks have gradually turned off some of the functions of card-free deposits and withdrawals on ATM machines.

Editor | Lu Xiangyong Yi Qijiang