resultseagames2022| Nine departments: Basically modernize the intellectual property protection system and protection capabilities by 2035

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recentlyresultseagames2022The State Intellectual Property Office, in conjunction with the Central Propaganda Department, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration for Market Regulation, formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of the Intellectual Property Protection System"(hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan").

The "Implementation Plan" points out that building an intellectual property protection system is a systematic project. It must proceed from the entire chain, entire process and all elements of intellectual property protection, focusing on seven aspects, including:

The "Implementation Plan" clarifies that by 2027, substantial steps will be taken in the modernization of the intellectual property protection system and protection capabilities, and intellectual property laws and regulations will be more comprehensive and systematic, with strict protection.resultseagames2022Policies and standards have become more complete, administrative law enforcement and judicial protection have become stricter, authorization and confirmation have become more high-quality and efficient, rapid collaborative protection has become smoother, the foundation for national security governance in the field of intellectual property rights has been further consolidated, the synergy of social co-governance has been further enhanced, and protection capabilities have been significantly improved. The intellectual property protection network covering the national, provincial, municipal and county levels has become more complete, the foundation for intellectual property protection has been further consolidated, and a large-scale protection work pattern has been fully formed.

By 2035, the modernization of the intellectual property protection system and protection capabilities will be basically realized, forming a modern intellectual property protection system in which the government performs its duties and responsibilities, law enforcement departments strictly supervise, judicial organs are fair, business entities are standardized, industry organizations are self-disciplined and autonomous, and the public is honest and law-abiding. Protection governance system.

(CCTV reporter Wang Jing)