tmntpinball| Meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee: Promote financial supervision to be truly "long-toothed, thorny" and angular

Category:49jili Date: View:30

May 27tmntpinball, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to review the "Regulations on Accountability for Preventing and Resolving Financial Risks (Trial Implementation)".

The meeting pointed out that preventing and defusing financial risks is related to national security, overall development, and people's property security, and is a major barrier that must be crossed to achieve high-quality development. The formulation and promulgation of the "Accountability Regulations for Preventing and Resolving Financial Risks (Trial)" is to further promote the implementation of comprehensive and strict party governance requirements in the financial field, effectively strengthen the Party Central Committee's centralized and unified leadership over financial work, and further consolidate the responsibilities of relevant management departments in the financial field., financial institutions, industry authorities and local party committees and governments, urge leading cadres at all levels to establish a correct view of political performance, and implement comprehensive strengthening of financial supervision, preventing and defusing financial risks, Promote various tasks of high-quality financial development.

The meeting emphasized that we must earnestly implement the "Regulations", adhere to the word strict, dare to be more serious and tough, dare to manage strictly, and truly manage strictly, send a strong signal that failure of responsibility must be investigated and accountability must be strict, and promote Financial supervision must be truly "long-toothed" and have corners, and establish a strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere in the financial field and persist in the long-term.