lotsofslots| Economists: The yen may continue to depreciate in the short term, Japan's economy is under multiple pressures

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Kato, president of Japan's Teishō Research Corporation, believes that the fundamentals of interest rates between Japan and the United States have not changedlotsofslots, the Bank of Japan and the Japanese government have very limited operations in the foreign exchange market. in additionlotsofslotsLabor shortages may be further highlighted due to the depreciation of the yen. Now Japan's population is declining and the problem of manpower shortage is gradually becoming serious. However, the depreciation of the yen continues so long that even if you come to work in Japan, the salary situation is not ideal due to the depreciation of the yen. After foreigners have such ideas, outstanding talents will not come to work in Japan, and even people currently working in Japan will leave. There is such a possibility. In the long run, this will have a blow to Japan's economy, so policies are necessary to avoid excessive devaluation of the yen.