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The near futureGalagagameThere has been a significant increase in the activities of public and private equity firms to investigate listed companies. Statistics show that the frequency of research conducted by public and private equity firms in April was as high as 2. 5%.Galagagame.50,000 times, an increase of 127% compared with March.

Industry insiders believe that, thanks to the recent market good frequency, the market will continue to improve will be a high probability event. At present, the A-share market is at the bottom of the region, optimistic about artificial intelligence, home appliances, automobiles and other investment opportunities.

The frequency of public and private equity research has increased significantly.

According to Oriental Fortune Choice, the frequency of research conducted by public and private equity firms increased significantly in April, with a total of about 25000 surveys conducted. Specifically, public equity funds conducted 17046 surveys, while private equity funds conducted 8145 surveys. From the perspective of the subject matter of the survey, more than 900 listed companies have received the attention of public and private placement.

Among them, the more popular companies include Tianfu Communications, Lan Qi Technology, No. 9 Company, Desai Xiwei, Huaming equipment, Zhongji Xuchuang, Aimek, China Test Test, and so on. These companies have been investigated by public funds for more than 100 times. Private equity funds have shown strong interest in Peraia, Tsinghua Holdings, Emeike, Huaming equipment, Mindray Medical and other companies.

It is worth noting that the frequency of research conducted by public and private equity firms increased significantly in April compared with March. According to homologous data, the number of public and private equity surveys in April increased by 127% from 11000 in March, covering about 673 listed companies.

Take Tianfu Communication as an example, in the investor exchange event held by the company on April 24, Tianhong Fund, Yi Fangda Fund, Yinhua Fund, China Europe Fund, Xingshi Investment, Tongli Investment, Xuanyuan Investment, Silver Leaf Investment and other public and private funds actively appeared for research.

Lan Qi Technology is also favored by many public and private placements. Recently, Lan Qi Technology has held a number of investor exchange activities, including ICBC Credit Suisse Fund, Castrol Fund, Xingsheng Global Fund, CaiTong Fund, Jun Capital, Harmony Huiyi, Huihong Huisheng Investment, etc., a number of public and private equity institutions visited and investigated.

Market positive signals occur frequently.

"the recent market has shown a series of positive signals, indicating that continued strength in the future is a high probability event." Chen Shi, manager of Mingze Investment Fund, said that with the gradual release of performance risks, the positive inflow of foreign capital and strong policy support, the future performance is worth looking forward to. In addition, the positive signals of foreign capital inflows and the continuous introduction and landing of favorable policies have further confirmed the long-term growth potential of the market.

Chen Shi further said that at present, the A-share market is at the bottom. With the intensive disclosure of annual reports and first-quarter earnings reports of listed companies in April, performance risks have been fully released, and the growth of some industries has been further verified. Market sentiment is expected to pick up gradually.

Hony far Fund is cautiously optimistic about the future. Specifically, in the technology sector, the AI industry is ushering in positive changes. The investment intention of the global Internet giant in the field of AI continues to remain optimistic, driving the rebound of the AI plate in domestic and foreign markets. From the perspective of the manufacturing sector, the prosperity of related industries has improved thanks to the support of favorable policies such as equipment renewal and trade-in. Some sub-industries such as white goods in the home appliance industry, commercial vehicles in the automobile industry, updates and going out to sea in the machinery industry, and power grid-related equipment in the power equipment industry.

Hony far Fund believes that from the perspective of cyclical plates, some varieties of non-ferrous metals, such as copper, gold, silver and tungsten, show investment potential in the expectation of rising prices. With the continuous improvement of economic expectations, the opportunity to reverse the predicament in the industrial chain of black industries such as iron and steel is worth looking forward to. In addition, under the measures of increasing dividends and buybacks of central enterprises, some companies in central enterprises and state-owned enterprises have the attributes of advancing and retreating.