gameslikecryptokitties| China's agricultural product prices rose slightly by 0.1% last week, while non-ferrous metals and coal prices rose

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[national market prices of edible agricultural products and means of production rise] according to the latest data of the Market Operation Monitoring system of the Ministry of CommerceGameslikecryptokittiesLast week (April 29 to May 5) the national market price of edible agricultural products rose slightly compared with the previous week.Gameslikecryptokitties.1%, while the market price of the means of production increased by 0.4%.

In the field of edible agricultural products, the average wholesale price of 30 kinds of vegetables was 4.94 yuan per kilogram, showing an increase of 1.0%. At the same time, the wholesale prices of grain and oil remained basically stable, and the prices of rice, flour and peanut oil were the same as the previous week. However, the wholesale price of meat showed an overall downward trend, especially pork 19.89 yuan per kilogram, down 0.1%, beef and mutton prices also fell 0.7% and 0.1% respectively. In addition, wholesale prices of poultry products also declined slightly, with prices of eggs and white-striped chicken falling by 0.4% and 0.1%, respectively.

In the means of production market, the price of non-ferrous metals rose slightly, with copper, zinc and aluminum rising by 2.1%, 1.7% and 1.2%, respectively. Coal prices also rose slightly. The prices of No.2 anthracite, coking coal and thermal coal per ton were 1221 yuan, 1212 yuan and 820 yuan respectively, up 0.8%, 0.7% and 0.6% respectively. Rubber prices showed a rebound, with natural rubber and synthetic rubber rising 0.4% and 0.1% respectively. Steel prices have risen steadily, while the prices of ordinary medium plates and welded steel pipes remain unchanged, while the prices of rebar and high-speed wire rod have increased by 0.2% and 0.1% respectively. The price of chemical fertilizer fell steadily and slightly, the price of urea was the same as that of the previous week, and the price of ternary compound fertilizer decreased by 0.2%.