bergmannroulette| Weekly Express: Textile enters the traditional off-season, weather is conducive to cotton growth

Category:Decor Date: View:36

SourceBergmannrouletteChina Cotton Association

I. the price of cotton at home and abroad has fallen.

Last week (May 6-May 11)BergmannrouletteAfter the May Day holiday, the textile market entered the traditional off-season, demand weakened, new orders were less, yarn sales slowed, finished product inventory increased, international cotton prices continued to fall, the market expected imports to increase, domestic cotton prices continued the previous week's trend, under pressure downward, textile enterprises to maintain caution in purchasing raw materials, mainly to meet bargain replenishment. In the international market, cotton prices rebounded slightly in the early week because the Federal Reserve was expected to cut interest rates again, but in the late week, the United States Department of Agriculture released a balance sheet of supply and demand for the new year, which increased global and American cotton production in 2024x25, causing pressure on the market. Cotton prices fell, there was a small rebound throughout the week, and domestic and foreign cotton prices narrowed slightly. The average weekly price of China's cotton price index (CCIndex 3128B) was 16570 yuan per ton, down 101 yuan from the previous month, while the weekly average price of Cotlook An index was 86.Bergmannroulette.1 cents per pound, up 0. 0 from the previous month.Bergmannroulette.5 cents per pound, the tariff is reduced by 15049 yuan per ton (including 200 yuan per ton port charges), which is 1521 yuan lower than the China cotton price index (CCIndex 3128B), and the price difference is 194 yuan lower than the previous week; the recent average contract price of cotton in ICE is 77.9 cents / pound, up 0.7 cents from the previous month; and the average price of the main contract CF409 is 15495 yuan / ton, down 230 yuan / ton from the previous month.

II. Most of the cotton in the country has already emerged.

Last week, the national cotton is in the seedling stage, most of the cotton area is dominated by sunny weather, sufficient light and heat, suitable soil moisture, which is conducive to cotton emergence and growth. In early May, the temperature in most parts of Xinjiang was on the high side, and the meteorological conditions were favorable for cotton production. Most of the cotton in southern Xinjiang entered the third true leaf stage, and some areas entered the fifth true leaf stage. Hubei, Hunan and other places have entered the third true leaf stage. It is expected that in the next 10 days, most of the average temperature in Xinjiang will be high, and most of the precipitation will be slightly less; the water and heat in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are suitable, and the growth of dryland crops is favorable. It is suggested that the cotton areas with high precipitation should loosen the soil in time, break the soil consolidation, increase the soil temperature and promote the growth of cotton seedlings.