remoteworkbingo| Midday review: The Shanghai Composite Index fluctuated slightly, power, brokerage and other sectors fell, and the real estate sector rose

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Securities Times online newsRemoteworkbingoIn early trading on the 15th, the stock indexes of the two cities fluctuated in a weak and narrow range, while the three major stock indexes fell slightly, with a half-day turnover of less than 500 billion yuan.

By the close of midday, the Prev was down 0%.Remoteworkbingo.17% was at 3140.34 points, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.14%, the gem Index fell 0.13%, and the Kechuang 50 Index fell 0.49%. The total turnover between the two cities was 467.5 billion yuan.

On the market, real estate, household, chemical fiber and other plates are stronger, coal, building materials, non-ferrous, chemical, oil, banking and other plates rise, gold concept, low-altitude economic concept and other active; power, brokerage, pharmaceutical and other plates weakened.

Guosheng Securities pointed out that the launch of special treasury bonds may support the country's "dual" construction direction, or have a medium-term impact on the market style; from a technical point of view, the short-term index is expected to be concussive upward, if it cannot be strengthened again this week, it may enter a new box shock operation (3100-3200 points), using interval shocks to digest the fastening disk around 3200 points. If you want to push the sky and quickly go up the conflict to break through the pressure zone around 3200 points, the coordination of replenishment and weight is the key. The driving effect of the resumption of trading of Guolian Securities on the brokerage plate or the index produces relatively obvious positive feedback, which mainly evaluates the linkage strength and persistence expectation; short-term attention to securities firms, meta-universe, medium special valuation, new quality productivity, network security and other directions.

Proofreading: Su Huanwen