selfcarebingo| Utility Industry Weekly: Port thermal coal spot prices continue to rise; downstream power plant inventories increase

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The spot price of port thermal coal continues to rise.SelfcarebingoOn May 10, the closing price of power terminal coal (Q5500) in Huanghua Port closed at 870 yuan / ton, up 31 yuan / ton from the previous weekend. Last week (0506-0510), the average value of power coal (Q5500) in Huanghua Port was 860 yuan / ton, up 23 yuan / ton (+ 2.8%) from the previous week. Port coal stocks are basically stable last week, the daily average of total coal stocks in Qinhuangdao Port, Caofeidian Port, Jingtang Port and Guotou Port was 11.24 million tons, a decrease of 70,000 tons (- 0.59%) compared with the previous week. Among them, the daily average inventory of Qinhuangdao Port, Caofeidian Port, Jingtang Port and Guotou Port is 4.84 million tons (- 3.64%), 4.68 million tons (+ 3.21%) and 1.72 million tons (- 1.72%) respectively. The national coal inventory and available days of key coal power plants continue to rise downstream demand. As of May 2, 2024, the national coal inventory of key coal power plants reached 104.01 million tons, an increase of 4.84 million tons (+ 4.88%) over the previous week. The available days of inventory are 25.7 days, an increase of 2.8 days over the previous week. The inflow of the three Gorges Reservoir decreased, and its water storage remained high compared with the same period last year. Last week, the average inflow of the three Gorges Reservoir Station reached 10971 cubic meters per second, down 6 per cent from the previous week and up 24 per cent from the same period last year. The average water storage capacity of the three Gorges Reservoir Station reached 25.1 billion cubic meters, down 1 per cent from the average of the previous week and up 6 per cent from the same period last year. It is suggested that we should pay attention to high-quality assets, leading efficiency, and the rapid pace of new energy transformation.SelfcarebingoCentral thermal power leader Huaneng International (600011, buy), Guodian Power (600795, unrated), Huadian International (600027, buy)Selfcarebingo? It is suggested to pay attention to Zhejiang Neng Electric Power (600023, unrated), Wanneng Electric Power (000543, bought), Jiangsu Guoxin (002608, unrated).Selfcarebingo? It is recommended to pay attention to Yangtze River Power (600900, unrated), Chuantou Energy (600674, unrated), GIC Power (600886, unrated), which have abundant cash flow and high dividend. It is recommended to focus on nuclear power + new energy two-wheel drive China nuclear power (601985, unrated), nuclear power high-end manufacturing target Jingye Intelligence (688290, unrated), Jiangsu Shantong (002438, unrated); It is recommended to pay attention to Fuling Electric Power (600452, unrated), the listed platform for energy conservation of distribution network under State Grid, as well as the core distribution power and integrated energy platform of three Gorges Water Conservancy (600116, unrated) of the three Gorges Group. The risk suggests that the growth space of new energy power generation may be lower than expected; the fundamental repair of thermal power may not be as expected; the rate of return of new energy operation may be lower; and the promotion of power market reform may not be as expected. [disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

[disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.