ps5blockchain| Weather impact in major soybean producing areas in the United States: Higher temperatures in the west have slowed down planting progress

Category:Decor Date: View:36

News summary

Temperatures and precipitation in major soybean producing areas in the United States will be higher in the coming weekps5blockchain, precipitation in the western region is relatively large. Planting progress in the central and western regions may be slowed down due to humid weather. Argentina's cold and dry weather is conducive to soybean harvesting.

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[Wet weather in the Midwestern United States may affect soybean planting progress]

the Midwestern United Statesps5blockchainWeather conditions have an important impact on soybean planting. According to the latest weather forecast, the area will remain humid for the next week, with temperatures close to or slightly above normal levels. Specifically, there will be sporadic to widespread showers in the western region before Saturday, temperatures on Wednesday will be close to normal levels, and temperatures from Thursday to Saturday will be close to above normal levels. There will also be sporadic to scattered showers in the eastern region before Saturday. Temperatures will be close to above normal before Friday, and temperatures will be above normal on Saturday.

6-10 The medium-term weather forecast for May 20 shows that sporadic to widespread sporadic showers will occur in the area this Saturday to next Thursday. Temperatures from Sunday to next Tuesday are close to above normal, and temperatures from next Wednesday to next Thursday are close to normal.

Due to the impact of systematic rainfall, a system will pass through the central and western regions on Tuesday, bringing a larger area of precipitation, making the already humid area even more humid. Although multiple systems are expected to pass through the area next week, none of them are likely to bring significant amounts of precipitation, which could lead to slower-than-normal planting in some areas. However, for farmland where sowing has been completed, continued rainfall is beneficial.

In addition, the weather conditions in Argentina are also worthy of attention. This week, the weather in Argentina is generally cold and dry, which is conducive to soybean harvesting. Although precipitation sometimes occurs in parts of the north, colder conditions have been creating frosts and the potential for increased harvest progress continues.