newslots2022| All flood damage restoration projects in the Beijing section of the Yongding River have been basically completed and normal flood control functions have been restored.

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There are still two weeks to go before the flood season in Beijing on June 1.Newslots2022At presentNewslots2022In the Beijing section of the Yongding River, which was damaged in the "23.7" regional flood of the Haihe River, various water damage restoration projects in the Beijing section of the Yongding River have been basically completed, and the normal flood discharge function has been restored. According to the plan, the water supply department will spend about a year to restore and rebuild the damaged water conservancy projects, water supply and drainage and other infrastructure in the affected areas, basically reaching the pre-disaster standards and functions.

Repair and improvement of flood damage projects to improve the efficiency and safety of flood control

On the morning of May 17, the reporter saw at the site of the flood repair project of the dike of the main stream of the Yongding River that the construction workers were completing the final completion of the repair project. Walk on the newly repaired dike, brand-new road surface, neat slope protection, like a jade belt across the river, and more importantly, the brand-new dike has a stronger ability to resist floods.

In the "23.7" regional flood of the Haihe River, the maximum peak discharge of Lugou Bridge sluice of the Yongding River reached 4650 cubic meters per second, and the huge peak flow caused the dike of about 100m downstream of the sluice to be broken. After the flood, the Beijing water department carried out emergency repairs to the damaged water conservancy facilities. Now it has also been repaired and restored to normal use. The slope protection on one side of the embankment has some exposed soil, which looks inconspicuous, but actually has another purpose. Yang Liansheng, deputy director of the Yongding River Management Office in Beijing, said: "recently, we will lay lawns and plant green plants here to further beautify the dike."

Guo Yijian, deputy director of Lugou Bridge Flood diversion Project Management Office of Beijing Yongding River Management Office, said that during the construction process, after the extremely cold weather in Beijing last winter, the upper reaches of the Yongding River began to replenish ecological water after the beginning of spring, bringing new challenges to the construction schedule. "therefore, we must rush the schedule and complete the main project as soon as possible to ensure that it is put into use before the flood season." The number of people involved in the flood damage and repair project of the dike of the main stream of the Yongding River reached several hundred at its peak. In order to keep the construction process uninterrupted, the workers and masters divided into groups and worked shifts, and the project was finally completed before the flood season this year.

The flood detention reservoir of the Yongding River also suffered partial damage in the "23.7" regional flood of the Haihe River. after intense construction, the reporter saw here on May 17 that the damaged slope protection had already been repaired and the staff were carrying out final debugging of the newly installed automation equipment. According to Huang Yong, director of the flood detention reservoir management office of the Yongding River Management Institute in Beijing, the water damage restoration project of the Yongding River flood detention reservoir was officially started on November 6, 2023 and completed on May 10, 2024, mainly to restore and rebuild the flood-damaged embankment slopes and Haiman in the lower reaches of the flood detention reservoir, as well as to update and transform the automatic control system. Through the automatic control of the gate and the electrification of the monitoring system, the remote operation of the gate is realized so as to improve the timeliness and safety of dispatching.

The flood damage restoration project of Yongding River flood detention reservoir will further enhance the strength and stability of damaged embankment slope, ensure the safe operation of flood detention reservoir and improve the efficiency and safety of flood control operation by repairing rice fields, Machang reservoir slope protection and Haiman. After the completion of the project, as an important part of the flood control system of the Yongding River, it will effectively ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people in the capital and downstream.

Yang Liansheng said that the water damage restoration project needs to further adopt comprehensive technical means on the basis of careful demonstration and calculation to ensure the stability, durability and durability of restoring the functions of water conservancy facilities.

Make every effort to restore and rebuild the damaged water conservancy project in the disaster area

The reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Water Bureau that various flood damage restoration projects in the Beijing section of the Yongding River have been basically completed and will be put into use before the flood season on June 1, and the Beijing section of the Yongding River has returned to normal flood discharge function.

In accordance with the goal principle of "basic recovery in one year, comprehensive improvement in three years, and long-term high-quality development", the Beijing Municipal Water Bureau has worked out a special water affairs plan for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. It has been determined to speed up the improvement of the river basin flood control engineering system, speed up the control of mountain flood gullies, speed up the construction of "three lines of defense" and digital twin basins, speed up the control of urban waterlogging and the construction of sponge cities, speed up the restoration of urban and rural water supply and drainage systems, speed up the construction of the "capital water network system" of river basins and multi-line connectivity, and improve and improve disaster prevention laws, policies, and institutional systems.

In about a year, the water affairs department will make every effort to restore and rebuild the damaged water conservancy projects, water supply and drainage and other infrastructure in the affected areas, basically meeting the pre-disaster standards and functions; it will take about three years to comprehensively complete the task of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, and the ability of disaster prevention and reduction in disaster areas will be significantly improved; based on the long-term coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, scientific systems will plan strategies for preventing and curing flood disasters. At present, the one-year recovery project has entered the final sprint stage to ensure that it will be completed and put into use before the flood season on June 1.

Beijing News reporter Wu Tingting, correspondent Wang Yihan

Editor Tang Zheng proofread Li Lijun