taitostation| That's amazing. The global market share of AI servers reaches 40%. Big bull stocks have revealed this important information! Hundreds of institutions gathered together to investigate technology stocks

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Stock speculation is based on the Jin Kirin analyst Research report, authoritative, professional, timely and comprehensive, to help you tap potential theme opportunities.Taitostation!

In the past week, there are more than 1300 individual stocks surveyed by institutions, and USI has become the stock with the largest number of research institutions.

In the past week, 228 institutions have investigated USI.

In the past week, USI received the most attention, with a total of 228 institutions investigating the company, including 57 funds, 59 securities companies, 17 private equity, 10 risk capital and 29 overseas institutions. In 2023, the volume of the company's AI-related business is close to 60 billion yuan, accounting for about 30% of cloud computing revenue, higher than the 2022 level. In 2024, AI is expected to account for 40% of the company's total cloud computing revenue and 40% of the global market share of AI servers.

The company also revealed that the scale of the AI server market will continue to grow at a high speed. According to MIC and Trendforce estimates, global AI server shipments exceeded 1.25 million in 2023, an increase of more than 47 percent over the same period last year, to 1.94 million in 2024. At the same time, the capital expenditure of cloud service providers increased significantly in 2024. The capital expenditure of the world's top four cloud service providers is expected to rise from $140 billion in 2023 to more than $200 billion in 2024.

In terms of high-speed switches and routers, the company's business revenue is heating up quarter by quarter, and the trend of data center AI and network upgrading has pushed up the growth of high-speed switch shipments. while the company's global leader customer share continues to grow, the company continues to expand new customers. at present, the main customers cover the world, with a market share of more than 75%.

Shares of USI, an AI bull stock, rose nearly 70% last year and nearly 69% so far this year, hitting an all-time high.

Central control technology, Huafeng measurement and control, Honghua digital division, Shengmei Shanghai and other stocks have also obtained more than 100 institutional research. Central Control Technology said in the survey that in the future, the company will continue to fully seize this development opportunity, deeply integrate artificial intelligence technology, build the core competitiveness of "AI+ data", and maximize the value of data and the interests of customers. At the same time, the company will accelerate the wide application of industrial AI in various scenarios and the landing of the whole scene, and achieve industrialization development, so as to complete the transformation and upgrading to an industrial AI company.

In addition, the company plans to hold a global press conference in June this year to release the first AI timing model TPT (Time-SeriesPre-trainedTransformer) in the process industry, which acts in the field of plant operation and decision optimization in the process industry, realizing multi-level decision optimization such as device operation process, control strategy and parameters, and giving wisdom to the device, which is also the change brought by the company's use of advanced AI technology for the industrial production process.

Similarly, Wanda Information, which has the concept of artificial intelligence, has been investigated by more than 100 institutions. According to the company's research, the total area of the company's computer room is about 5000 square meters, some of which are rented to Shanghai Medical Insurance, and some for self-use and other customers, with a total of more than 130 cabinets. If the computer room is full, it can hold about 1000 cabinets.

In terms of supercomputing, Wanda Information has purchased not only the Nvidia A100, but also V100 and other GPU cards, which can be used in the research and development of algorithms related to artificial intelligence, including large model pre-training, industry vertical model performance tuning and so on. In addition, the company can also rent third-party computing power to meet the needs of large models, small models, machine learning and so on.

In terms of large models, Wanda information vertical large models focus on the company's two main businesses in the field of health care and smart cities. In the field of medical and health care, Lingsu, an accurate health cognitive computing system, integrates OCR and large model capabilities, and can provide a number of intelligent services for post-examination health management, including identification and detection of physical examination reports, report interpretation and health intervention. At the same time, Zhitang AI provides personalized health management services for 700000 + diabetic patients; Bai Zexiao Medical Model combines the service needs of medical public health and health management, innovates and empowers various application scenarios such as real-time knowledge Q & A, event and medical record content understanding, multimodal medical record generation, auxiliary diagnosis and treatment decision-making and specialized disease health management, and has applications for B-end and C-end. In the field of smart cities, the company empowers large model capabilities to urban governance and community services. For example, the task of information collection and form filling of community workers is very heavy. Through the large model, information extraction, identification and collection can be carried out automatically to empower the community grass-roots level and help them reduce the burden.

To sum up, AI can be used in more than 100 scenarios, including auxiliary medical care and public health, government affairs, policy Q & A consultation, document generation and burden reduction at the grass-roots level.

Undervalued stocks with skyrocketing performance are targeted.

According to Securities Times data Bao statistics, among the listed companies surveyed by institutions in the past week, the net profit of Vosges shares (rights protection), Hals, Guizhou tire, Haosheng Electronics, and Zhenxing shares (rights protection) increased by more than 100% year on year last year and the price-to-earnings ratio was less than 15 times. Among them, Haosheng has the lowest price-to-earnings ratio, less than 5 times earnings.

The main index of A-share market fell first and then rose this week, while the Shanghai Composite Index fell slightly by 0.Taitostation.02%, the gem index fell by 0%.Taitostation.76%. Combing found that in the past week, institutional research stocks rose an average of 0.37%. The biggest increase was Longyuan shares, with a cumulative increase of more than 52%, while Shenglan shares, Jundingda, Xinchen Technology and other stocks all rose more than 30%.

Responsible editorTaitostationXie Yilan