fishfryvideopokergame| Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Four advantages constitute the competitiveness of my country's new energy vehicle industry

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Gelonghui May 20| He Hailin, deputy director of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said on the large-scale all-media interview program of the "China Economic Roundtable" thatfishfryvideopokergameChina's new energy automobile industryfishfryvideopokergameThe competitiveness of our company is mainly reflected in four aspects: technological and brand advantages accumulated by continuous innovation, industrial chain advantages formed by improving supporting capabilities, industrial scale advantages promoted by ultra-large markets, and rich human resources and factor advantages. He Hailin said that my country's comprehensive competitive advantage in the new energy vehicle industry is due to our strategic determination to anchor the development of new energy vehicles and our unswerving adherence to the pure electric drive route. It is due to the establishment of a sound and efficient working mechanism, government and enterprises. The close coordination of science and research is due to the increased investment in R & D by industry enterprises and the formation of strong endogenous power through innovation. It is also due to global division of labor and open cooperation, and the formation of international synergy in industrial and supply chains.