lunchroulettewheel| The retail retail index bucked the trend and rose 0.86%: outperforming the market by 6 percentage points in 2024

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News summary

The commercial and retail sector performed strongly, with the CITIC Index rising 0.0% last weeklunchroulettewheel.86%, outperforming the Shanghai and Shenzhen indices; the cumulative increase since 2024 is 6.02%, better than the overall market.

Newsletter text

[The retail sales index performed strongly, outperforming the two major indexes]

Looking back on the past weeklunchroulettewheelIn the stock market, the Shanghai Composite Index and the Shenzhen Composite Index ended with slight declines of-0.02% and-0.22% respectively. In contrast, the Commercial Retail (CITIC) Index achieved a positive growth of 0.86%, ahead of the performance of the two major indices.

Extend the time frame to 88 trading days from the beginning of 2024 to the present, we can find that the Shanghai Composite Index and the Shenzhen Stock Component Index have increased by 6.02% and 1.94% respectively, while the Commercial Retail (CITIC) Index has also performed well, further confirming the potential and attractiveness of the sector.