toppokerplayersofalltime| How does Buick Weilang use the cruise control function?

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Driven by modern automotive technologytoppokerplayersofalltimeThe cruise control function has become a standard configuration on many models, which greatly improves driving comfort and safety. For Buick Weilang owners, mastering how to use the cruise control function can not only reduce the fatigue of long-distance driving, but also improve fuel economy to a certain extent. Here is a detailed guide on how to use the cruise control function on the Buick Weilang.

Activate cruise control function

First of all, make sure your Buick Weilang vehicle is in driving condition and at a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour. Then, find the cruise control button on the steering wheel, usually marked with the word "CRUISE". Press this button and the cruise control indicator on the instrument panel will light up, indicating that the system is ready.

Set cruising speed

After the cruise control function is activated, you need to set a cruise speed. This can be done via the "SET" or "RES/+" button on the steering wheel. When you want the vehicle to maintain its current speed, press the "SET" button; to increase the speed, use the "RES/+" button, which will increase the speed by approximately 1 per presstoppokerplayersofalltime.6 km/h. Similarly, to reduce the speed, use the "SET/-" button, which will reduce the speed by approximately 1.6 kilometers per hour each time you press it.

Adjust or cancel cruising speed

During cruising, if you need to temporarily adjust the speed, you can use the "RES/+" or "SET/-" button to make fine adjustments. To completely cancel the cruise control function, you can gently step on the brake or press the "CANCEL" button on the steering wheel. After cancellation, if you want to restore the previous cruising speed, just press the "RES/+" button.


When using the cruise control function, the driver still needs to be vigilant and ready to take over vehicle control. Especially in complex road conditions or severe weather conditions, it is recommended to turn off the cruise control function to ensure driving safety. In addition, the cruise control function is not suitable for all road and traffic conditions, and drivers should use it flexibly according to actual conditions.

Through the above steps, Buick Weilang owners can easily master the use of the cruise control function and enjoy a more relaxed and safer driving experience.