downloadholdempoker| Zhang Guotong: The US dollar index is bearish on gold and shocks are revised

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On May 27, last week, the U.S. dollar index surged higher and fell back, and the weekly chart closed at a small positive column. From the graphical point of view, the early framework ideas can be extended, and the market outlook is 105.downloadholdempokerContinue to be bearish below.10, and continue to hold those with short orders last week. This week's recommendationsdownloadholdempoker: Short around 104.80, stop loss of 105.50, target looks at 103.60 and 103.20, and then look at 102.80, limit 101.70 area. Control the volume of positions and strictly stop losses.

The euro first pulled back downward last week, rebounded on Friday, and the weekly chart closed with a small negative column. From a graph point of view, it is still above 1.0790, so the midline is still bullish. We can continue to hold on to more orders last week. The trading strategy for no orders: go long near 1.0835, stop loss at 1.0770, target 1.0930/0950, and then look at the 1.1030 and 1.1080 areas. Control the volume of positions and strictly stop losses.

Gold broke downward and fell deep after oscillating above 2400 last week. The analysis was wrong. From a graphical point of view, the gold correction is relatively strong. Although the alternative for the video release is to step deeply on 2365, the actual trend far exceeds expectations, so there is a high probability that the market outlook will fall again. Focus on the strong resistance of the 2379 and 2390 areas. After the rebound, the next band of the midline is bearish to the 2270 and 2250 areas. There is a high probability that this will be the market for next month. This week, we will focus on the volatile market in the 2300-2390 range. Today, we will focus on the high and low points of Friday's consolidation. If we break the Friday range upwards, there is a high probability that we will go to the blue line, and the slight shocks will be revised upwards; if the Friday high point does not break before breaking, it is also possible to fall under pressure and fall again, hit a new low and rebound again, take the purple line to explore the low and then rebound upward and repair. The next band will still focus on the red arrow-line market, and the probability of the green line is currently the lowest. Pay attention to the trimming of the blue or purple line at the beginning of the week. Today is only a framework idea and no specific operational suggestions.

Silver rose last week and fell back, and the weekly chart closed in the negative column. From the graph point of view, the long-term bull trend is not over yet. In the near future, silver will fluctuate at a high level or fluctuate slightly downward. After the correction is completed, it will continue to rise in the medium and long term and reach a new high. This week, it is recommended to revise the operation with a high shock and a slight short position downward. Focus on the strong resistance in the 31.50 and 31.60 areas above, and focus on the strong support in the 29.80, 29.30 and 28.80 areas below. This week, there are only framework ideas and no specific operational suggestions.