bestonlinecasinowelcomebonusnodeposit| Everyone Insurance was rated as an "Outstanding Financial Consumer Insurance Organization": the propaganda and education base is entertaining and focuses on "one old, one young and one new"

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Topic: Winners of the 2024 Golden Stone Award

On May 27, financial front-line news, the winners of the "2024 Golden Stone Award and Outstanding Financial Consumer Insurance Cases Selection" hosted by Sina Finance were grandly announced! Under the fierce competition from many institutions, Everyone Insurance stood out and won the "Outstanding Financial Consumer Insurance Organization" award for its submitted cases of "Building a Consumer Insurance Education Base".

The following is a brief description of the insurance cases submitted by everyone:

With the rapid development of the financial industry, consumers 'understanding and awareness of financial consumption concepts has becomebestonlinecasinowelcomebonusnodepositAn important question. In order to promote the popularization of correct financial consumption concepts, Dajia Insurance Group innovates the form of consumer insurance education and focuses on the construction of offline consumer insurance education and education bases. In 2023, it will jointly build a consumer insurance education and education base with Bank of Ningbo to spread consumer insurance knowledge through edutainment and education, focusing on "one old, one young and one new" to solve the doubts consumers encounter during consumption.

During regular education and publicity activities, the consumer insurance base focuses on the policies, knowledge and pain points of the industry or company, and continuously updates the education and publicity content in the exhibition hall.bestonlinecasinowelcomebonusnodeposit; In concentrated financial consumer insurance education and publicity activities such as "March 15", September, and insurance "Five Enters", special exhibitions were held to attract many financial consumers to stop and watch.

Facing special groups such as new citizens and the elderly, everyone Insurance actively invites couriers, security personnel, elderly people in elderly care communities, etc. to participate in exhibitions. Combined with on-site explanations, it conveys consumer insurance knowledge to more people and can have a more in-depth understanding. Financial consumption concept.

At the same time, in the exhibition hall of the Consumer Insurance Base, Everyone Insurance uses case to explain risks to communicate and interact with consumers, presenting actual cases to financial consumers and answering their doubts.

Through the construction of the consumer insurance education base, on the one hand, everyone insurance has enabled more financial consumers to understand consumer insurance policies and financial consumption concepts, and improved their consumption awareness; on the other hand, the consumer insurance education base has provided on-site explanations and exchanges. The form helps consumers solve the doubts they encounter in financial consumption, allowing them to trust and understand financial products and services more.

In addition, the Consumer Insurance Education Base provides consumers with an immersive exhibition viewing experience offline. Through vivid cases and interactive exchanges, consumers can better understand and accept consumer insurance knowledge, laying the foundation for the overall construction.