pokerroulette| Commodity futures fell more, rose less, coking coal led the decline in the market

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Macroscopic important news

National Bureau of Statistics: from January to April, the total profits of industrial enterprises above the national scale reached 20946.Pokerroulette90 million yuan, an increase of 4% over the same period last yearPokerroulette.3%. From January to April, among the industrial enterprises above scale, the total profits of state-controlled enterprises reached 739.64 billion yuan, down 2.8% from the same period last year.PokerrouletteThe total profits of joint-stock enterprises totaled 1.55081 trillion yuan, up 0.9 percent; those of foreign investors and enterprises invested in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan totaled 528.59 billion yuan, up 16.7 percent; and those of private enterprises totaled 544.8 billion yuan, up 6.4 percent.

Financial Associated Press: the central bank today carried out a seven-day reverse repurchase operation of 2 billion yuan, and the winning interest rate was 1.80%, the same as before.

Variety information

Black series futures

Steel: in the week ended May 27, the total urban steel inventory in 39 cities with a total of 147warehouses was 11.1775 million tons, a decrease of 221700 tons or 1.94% compared with the previous week. (steel and silver e-commerce)

Iron ore: from May 20th to May 26th, the total amount of iron ore in China's 47 MTR ports was 25.26 million tons, down 5.026 million tons from the previous month; the total amount of iron ore from China's 45 ports was 24.24 million tons, down 4.231 million tons from the previous month; and that of the six northern ports was 12.573 million tons, 1.825 million tons less than the previous month.

From May 20 to May 26, the total amount of iron ore shipped in Australia and Brazil was 27.497 million tons, an increase of 2.941 million tons compared with the previous month. Australia shipped 19.442 million tons, an increase of 1.928 million tons over the previous month, of which 15.878 million tons were shipped from Australia to China, an increase of 705000 tons over the previous month. Brazil shipped 8.055 million tons, an increase of 1.013 million tons compared with the previous month. The total volume of global iron ore shipments in the current period is 33.266 million tons, an increase of 2.579 million tons over the previous month. (Mysteel)

Agricultural futures

Cotton: as of May 24, the total commercial inventory of cotton was 3.3386 million tons, a decrease of 103200 tons (2.99%) compared with last week. Of this total, there were 2.1729 million tons of commercial cotton in Xinjiang, with a decrease of 110800 tons (4.85%). There are 591700 tons of commercial cotton in the mainland, an increase of 7600 tons (1.30%) over the previous week. (Mysteel)

Live pigs: as of 14: 00:00 on May 27th, the average price of pork in the national agricultural products wholesale market was 21.66yuan / kg, up 2.2% from last Friday. (Ministry of Agriculture and villages)

As of May 22, the price of live pigs nationwide was 15.72 yuan / kg, up 2.95 percent from May 15, and the price of corn in major wholesale markets was 2.42 yuan / kg, up 0.83 percent from May 15, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. The price of pig grain was 6.50, up 2.20% from May 15. (national Development and Reform Commission)

Non-ferrous / precious metal futures

Lithium carbonate: data released by Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation show that the price of battery-grade lithium carbonate on May 27th is the same as last time, with an average price of 106500 yuan / ton. (financial Union)

Shanghai Zinc: as of Monday, the total inventory of zinc ingots in Qidi was 210400 tons, down 5400 tons from May 20 and 2500 tons from May 23. (Shanghai Nonferrous net)

Shanghai Copper: as of Monday, May 27, copper inventories in mainstream areas across the country increased by 9400 tons to 424500 tons compared with last Thursday, constantly setting new highs for the year. Compared with the change in inventories last Thursday, inventories have increased in most parts of the country, with only slight decreases in Chengdu and Tianjin. The total inventory is 306200 tons higher than the 118300 tons in the same period last year. (Shanghai Nonferrous net)

Energized futures

Styrene: as of May 27, 2024, Jiangsu Styrene Port sample inventory: 62500 tons, an increase of 2500 tons over the previous cycle, a range of + 4.17%. The commodity volume inventory was 42500 tons, an increase of 1500 tons over the previous cycle, with a range of + 3.66%. (Longzhong Information)

Soda ash: medium salt Anhui Hongsifang soda ash plant starts normally, the price increases, light 2400 yuan / ton, heavy soda ash quotation 2500. Guangdong southern alkali industry 600000 tons / year soda ash plant reduced operation, the enterprise production and marketing is OK, the price is increased, the current light alkali factory price 2400. Inner Mongolia Boyuan Yingen Chemical 5 million t / a soda ash plant reduced operation, enterprise price increased. (Longzhong Information)