
Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:35

Special topic: Buffett's 2024 shareholders' meeting hit

Berkshire Hathaway, a corporate giant at the helm of legendary investor Warren Buffett, has long been famous for its unique business strategies and financial decisions. Although the company has tens of billions of dollars in cash reserves, it insists on not paying dividends, which has caused problems in the investment community.SlotchristmascarolHas received extensive attention and discussion. At Berkshire Hathaway's grand shareholders' meeting, Buffett had his own unique views on how to use the company's funds more effectively.

Buffett firmly believes that reinvesting the company's profits, rather than returning them to shareholders in the form of dividends, can create greater long-term value for the company. The formation of this idea stems fromSlotchristmascarolHis deep understanding of the efficiency of capital allocation. In his view, dividend payment means that the company must continue to distribute profits to shareholders, which will undoubtedly limit the company's investment and development in other areas. By keeping profits within the company, Berkshire Hathaway can flexibly seize market opportunities and achieve capital appreciation.

In an interview with CNBC, Buffett made it clear: "dividends imply a promise that you will pay dividends forever, not reduce them." He believes that such a commitment may restrict the company's financial freedom and affect its competitiveness in the market. As a result, he prefers to return capital to shareholders through a buyback plan. This approach can not only give back to shareholders, but also maintain the financial flexibility and independence of the company.

Buffett's idea didn't come out of thin air. Over the years, he has successfully built Berkshire Hathaway into a diversified investment empire through accurate investment judgment and efficient capital allocation. The company's business covers insurance, private equity, real estate, consumer goods and public utilities. These successful investment cases provide strong support for Buffett's philosophy.

Of course, not paying dividends does not mean that Berkshire Hathaway has ignored the interests of shareholders. Instead, Buffett has been looking to give back to shareholders in a more profitable way. In addition to the buyback plan, the company also continues to enhance its own value by optimizing business structure and improving profitability, so as to create more wealth for shareholders.

In addition, Buffett also stressed the company's cautious attitude in choosing investment projects. Companies will invest only if they are confident that they can use capital effectively, he says. This sound investment strategy not only ensures the financial security of the company, but also brings sustainable returns for shareholders.