
Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:30

Sina Finance and Economics, May 5-Zhonggong Education (Rights Protection) recently disclosed its annual report for 2023. According to the report, the company achieved an operating income of 30%.Pinballfx8.6 billion yuan, down 36.03% from the same period last year, and the net profit attributed to shareholders of listed companies was-209 million yuan, a loss reduction of 80.98% over the same period last year.

For this performance, the report mentioned: at the industry level, the domestic economy rebounded and improved, consumer demand recovered but still grew under pressure, industry competition became more fierce, price competition and marketing competition showed normalization. At the company level, the operating environment has improved compared with previous years. Through implementing a series of lean operation and management measures, such as the operation consolidation plan, the company has further optimized the product structure and changed from scale to benefit. Certain results have been achieved: the loss in 2023 is much lower than that in 2022.

The report shows that the company's expenses were greatly reduced last year, mainly to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Specifically, on the one hand, the company shut down some outlets with low performance output and low human efficiency by means of shutting down and removing coarsening and refinement. As of December 31, 2023, the total number of directly operated branches of the company was 783, a decrease of 330,330 and 29.65 percent compared with 1113 in 2022. On the other hand, the company promotes the reconstruction of organizational structure and improves the efficiency of operation and management. during the reporting period, the company's human efficiency ratio has improved compared with 2022.

According to statistics, during the reporting period, the company's total operating cost decreased by 50.78% compared with the same period last year, sales expenses decreased by 48.51%, and management expenses decreased by 47.26%.

In the annual report, the management analysis believes that the current domestic employment pressure still exists, the public employment service capacity needs to be improved urgently, and the current opportunities in the industry are worth grasping. At the same time, there is a brief differentiation in the talent recruitment and training industry, especially under the background of personnel optimization of head education institutions, a large number of small training institutions in the form of individual studios have emerged in the market, and the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. the decentralization of the industry and the intensification of competition have made it more difficult for training institutions to obtain customers.

In the short term, the differentiation of industry competition pattern leads to the imbalance of market competition.PinballfxHowever, in the long run, affected by the seasonality of the enrollment training industry and the regional dispersion of training demand, it brings challenges to the survival of small and medium-sized training institutions, based on their large-scale R & D capabilities and constantly updated iterative teaching content advantages, head enterprises can more effectively respond to market changes and provide higher-quality training services, thus occupying a favorable position in the competition, and the market share will be more and more concentrated to the head enterprises. (he Junxi)