pooyan| The boy got stuck in the throat and rushed into the supermarket. The owner saved the danger with a move.

Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:32

In Lingbao City, Henan ProvincePooyanA pupil accidentally swallowed a piece of chicken into the trachea in a cake shop, causing suffocation. In case of emergency, the clerk in the store immediately noticed the abnormal behavior of the child, and the boss quickly arrived from upstairs and immediately used the Heimlick emergency method to save the child. Within a tense period of 20 seconds, the boy finally spit out the chicken clogging the trachea, avoiding potentially serious consequences.

After the incident, the parents came to the cake shop with gratitude and gave fruit and milk to the clerk and boss who helped their children to express their gratitude. The incident not only demonstrated the professional first aid skills of the cake shop staff, but also reflected their calm and rapid response to emergencies.

The rescue incident sparked widespread discussion on social media, with many netizens praising the cake shop owners and clerks for their bravery and praising them as "kind-hearted people". At the same time, it also reminds the public of the importance of learning first aid in daily life so that they can lend a helping hand and save lives in case of emergency.