royalstraightflush| Li Ning: The 2014 share option plan will expire on May 30, and the board of directors recommends a new plan for 2024

Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:34

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[Li Ning announced the adoption of the 2024 share option plan to motivate employees] Li Ning disclosed in its announcement on May 30RoyalstraightflushThe company has adoptedRoyalstraightflushThere is a 2024 share option plan to further motivate employees. It is reported that the plan will take effect from May 30 and will be valid for 10 years. The purpose of this move is to provide the company with competitive and attractive remuneration packages to inspire selected participants to contribute to the group. In addition, Li Ning also plans to advise shareholders to adopt the 2024 share incentive plan at the special general meeting of shareholders. The terms of the plan are in line with the existing provisions of Chapter 17 of the listing rules and will involve the grant of new shares. It is worth noting that Li Ning's 2014 share option plan will expire on May 30, 2024. If approved and adopted by shareholders at the EGM, the plan will be replaced by the proposed 2024 share option scheme. At the same time, the company has adopted the 2016 restricted share incentive scheme, which is allocated from existing shares. The adoption of these two plans by the board of directors reflects the importance that Li Ning attaches to employee incentives and long-term development plans. By providing attractive compensation and incentive mechanisms, the company hopes to attract and retain key talents and promote the company's continued growth and development.