onlineroulettecasinogame| Brazilian farmers have pre-sold 23.3% of second-season corn, and freight rates for grains from the United States and South America to China have increased

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Original title: Brazilian farmers have been pre-sold 23Onlineroulettecasinogame.3% of second-season corn grain freight increases from the United States and South America to China: southern Wheat Network

1. Safras: as of early May, Brazilian farmers had pre-sold 23.3% of the second season corn.

As of early May, farmers in south-central Brazil pre-sold corn for the second season of 2024 equivalent to 23.3% of the expected yield of 86.628 million tons, according to a survey by Safras&Mercado, a consultancy. In May last year, farmers pre-sold 24.6% of the 99.098 million tons of corn produced in the second season of 2023. The average pre-sale ratio for the same period in the past five years was 31.5%.

2. As of May 13, Ukraine exported 24 million tons of corn in 2023 in 24 years.

According to Ukraine's Ministry of Agriculture, Ukraine's grain exports in the 24 year to May 13, which began in July, were 43.2 million tons, up from 41.989 million tons a week ago, but down 1.5 per cent from 43.6 million tons in the same period last year and 1.5 per cent a week ago. Among them, 24 million tons of corn were exported.

3. Grain freight from the United States and South America to China rose in the week ended May 8.

According to data released by the National Grain Council, the freight charge for a 66000-ton freighter from Mei Wan to the port of China (North or South China, the same below) is US $54.25 per tonne, up 32 cents from a week ago. The freight for a 66000-ton freighter from American West to Chinese ports was $27.98 per ton, up 53 cents from a week ago.

Freight for ships of 54000 to 59000 tons from the port of Santos in Brazil to China is US $49.67 per tonne, up US $1.38 from a week ago.OnlineroulettecasinogameFreight from the northern coast of Brazil to China was US $31.23 per ton, up US $1.78.

The freight of 56000 to 60, 000 tons of deep-water cargo ships from the Argentine port of Rosario to China is US $54.90 per ton, up 27 US dollars from a week ago.

4. Last week, the inspection volume of US corn exports dropped to 940000 tons, and no corn was shipped to China.

According to the USDA Export Inspection Weekly report, the amount of corn export inspection in the United States last week was 28% lower than a week ago and 20% lower than in the same period last year.

In the week ended May 9, 2024, US corn exports were inspected at 937729 tons, compared with a revised 1299008 tons last week and 1173783 tons in the same period last year. The United States shipped 0 tons of corn to China last week and 70685 tons to China last week.

So far, the inspection volume of US corn exports in 2023x24 is 33933661 tons, up 30.3% from the same period last week, up 32.6% from the same period last week, and 32.3% from the same period last week.