strategyfordoubledoublebonuspoker| Subsidiaries will be punished for financial fraud ST special letters and related responsible persons in order to fulfill performance commitments

Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:28

May 12thStrategyfordoubledoublebonuspoker, ST special letter (i.e. special message (000070), SZ000070, share price 7Strategyfordoubledoublebonuspoker51 yuan, with a market capitalization of 6.762 billion yuan, announced that the company received a "notice in advance of administrative penalties and market ban" (hereinafter referred to as "notification letter") issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau) on May 10. Earlier, the company received the notice of filing a case issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on May 7, and the CSRC decided to file a case against the company because the company was suspected of violating laws and regulations on information disclosure.

According to the filing notice, on April 8, 2015, Special Information and four members of Shenzhen Dongzhi Technology Co., Ltd., including Chen Chuanrong, later changed their name to Shenzhen Special Dongzhi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SEFA Dongzhi Technology Co., Ltd.) shareholders signed the "Agreement on issuing shares and paying cash for the purchase of assets" to purchase 100% of SEFA Dongzhi shares in the form of cash and shares. After investigation, Dongzhi specially made financial fraud through inter-temporal adjustment of operating costs and fictitious business in order to fulfill its performance commitment.

According to the notice, the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau plans to give a warning to the special message and impose a fine of 8 million yuan. at the same time, it also plans to punish a number of relevant responsible persons.

On May 12, the special message also announced that according to the relevant regulations, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange will implement other risk warnings on the company's shares. The company's shares will be suspended for one day from the opening of the market on May 13 and resume trading on May 14. The abbreviation of the stock will be changed from "special message" to "ST special letter".

In order to fulfill its performance commitments, Dongzhi, a wholly-owned subsidiary, has falsely increased income, increased or reduced operating costs and profits in recent years. The picture shows visitors visiting the special information exhibition area at the China International Information and Communications Exhibition. Visual China (000681)

There are false records in the financial statements for many years.

The proposed penalty for the special message dates back to an acquisition many years ago.

In April 2015, the special message announced that in order to promote the all-round development of the business of listed companies, the company signed the "Agreement on issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets" with Chen Chuanrong and other four special Dongzhi shareholders. purchase 100% stake in Special hair Dongzhi by paying cash and issuing shares. At that time, Special East Intelligence mainly produces wireless routers, set-top boxes and other products. On the same day, the special message signed a "profit compensation Agreement" with three natural person shareholders of Special Dongzhi, and the three natural person shareholders promised that the total cumulative net profit of Special Dongzhi from 2015 to 2017 would not be less than 143 million yuan. Chen Chuanrong separately promised that the net profit of Special Dongzhi in 2018, 2019 and 2020 would not be less than 58.6 million yuan.

On November 4, 2015, special Dongzhi completed the equity change and became a wholly-owned subsidiary of special information. Since November 30, 2015, the special message will include the special Dongzhi in the scope of the consolidated statement.

According to the notice of filing the case, in order to fulfill the performance commitment, Dongzhi falsely increases income, increases or reduces operating costs and profits by adjusting operating costs and fictitious business over time.

The specific illegal facts of Special Dongzhi are: first, from 2015 to 2019, Special Dongzhi falsely reduced or falsely increased operating costs by undercounting or delaying the purchase of customer materials and adjusting operating costs across periods. Among them, from 2015 to 2018, the company falsely reduced operating costs by 10.39 million yuan, 91.73 million yuan, 56.24 million yuan and 11.63 million yuan respectively, and falsely increased operating costs by 64.95 million yuan in 2019. 2. In 2019, Dongzhi made up its sales business with Shenzhen Youhua Communication Technology Co., Ltd., China Mobile Terminal Co., Ltd., by forging purchase orders and relevant logistics documents, resulting in a false increase of 328 million yuan in operating income, 284 million yuan in operating cost and 43.87 million yuan in total profit.

According to the filing notice, the above actions of special Dongzhi led to a false increase of 10.39 million yuan, 91.73 million yuan, 56.25 million yuan and 11.63 million yuan in total profits from 2015 to 2018, and a false decrease of 21.08 million yuan in 2019. The proportion of total profits in the current period was 8.17%, 34.74%, 16.58%, 3.29% and 5.33%, respectively. There are false records in the annual reports from 2015 to 2019 disclosed by special information.

The then chairman of the board of directors will be punished.

According to the "filing notice", Jiang Qinjian, then chairman of the board of directors, was directly in charge, Yang Hongyu, then general manager, Li Zengmin, then chief financial officer, and Zhang Dajun, then secretary of the board of directors, were other directly responsible personnel. In addition, Chen Chuanrong was then a director and general manager of Dongzhi, a performance commitment compensation obligor, and was responsible for the overall operation and management of Dongzhi. Yi Zongxiang was then a director and deputy general manager of Dongzhi, both of whom organized and planned financial fraud. Wang Ling and Liu Ying both worked in Tefa Dongzhi at that time and participated in the implementation of financial fraud.

According to the filing notice, according to the facts, nature, circumstances and social harm of the illegal acts committed by the parties concerned, and according to relevant laws and regulations, the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau plans to decide to give a warning to the special message and impose a fine of 8 million yuan; give a warning to Jiang Qinjian and impose a fine of 4 million yuan; give a warning to Chen Chuanrong and impose a fine of 3.5 million yuan; in addition, other relevant responsible persons are also given a warning and fined separately.

The "filing notice" also shows that the illegal acts of Jiang Qinjian, Chen Chuanrong, and Yi Zongxiang are relatively serious, and the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau also plans to decide to ban Jiang Qinjian from the securities market for 10 years, Chen Chuanrong from entering the securities market for 8 years, and Yi Zongxiang from entering the securities market for 6 years.

In July 2023, the special information was disclosed that the company recently received the "notice of the victim's Litigation Rights and obligations" served by the Shenzhen Municipal people's Procuratorate. The suspect Chen Chuanrong and others were suspected of contract fraud and job embezzlement. Shenzhen Public Security Bureau has transferred to Shenzhen people's Procuratorate for prosecution.

By the end of the first quarter of 2024, Chen Chuanrong held 1.40% of the shares of the listed company, making him the second largest shareholder of the listed company.

In order to further understand the situation, on the afternoon of May 13, a reporter from the Daily Economic News tried to interview a special message, but repeatedly dialed the company's securities department, but could not get through.