penn525mag3| National key R & D plan projects launched in Chongqing to allow smart car research and development to use domestic scientific computing software

Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:30

Gelonghui May 20| according to Chongqing dailypenn525mag3The national key R & D program "Mathematics and Applied Research" key special project "Scientific Computing and Simulation Software for the R & D Needs of Smart Vehicles" project was officially launched in Chongqing on May 19. The project is committed to developing scientific computing and simulation software with independent intellectual property rightspenn525mag3, solve key domestic core technical issues in this field. It is reported that the project was put forward by Chongqing Chang 'an Automobile Co., Ltd., and led by the Chongqing Big Data Research Institute of Peking University through the method of unveiling the list and taking the lead. It has joined forces with multiple units to jointly tackle the problem.