cryptoearntoplaygames| Guangju Energy: Plans to acquire the remaining equity interests of a holding subsidiary

Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:30

News summary

[Guangju Energy: Plans to acquire the remaining equity interests of a holding subsidiary] Securities Times e Company Newscryptoearntoplaygames, Guangju Energy (000096) announced on the evening of May 20cryptoearntoplaygames, the company decided to acquire a 40% stake in Guangju Yida, a holding subsidiary held by Hengchuan Investment, with its own funds. After negotiation between both parties, 40% equity was acquired this time.cryptoearntoplaygames.cryptoearntoplaygames..

Newsletter text

[Guangju Energy: Plans to acquire the remaining equity interests of the holding subsidiary] Securities Times e Company News, Guangju Energy (000096) announced on the evening of May 20 that the company decided to acquire the holding subsidiary held by Hengchuan Investment with its own funds. Guangju Yida 40% equity. After negotiation between both parties, the total transaction price corresponding to the acquisition of 40% equity will not exceed 16.08 million yuan. After the transaction is completed, Guangju Yida will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company. Guangju Yida is the main platform for the company's hazardous chemicals trading business.