videopokergamesonline| Supply expansion leads economic recovery in April: corporate profits are under pressure, real estate stabilization takes time to observe

Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:27

News summary

April data showed that the economic recovery was driven by the supply side and domestic demand was weak; the trend in the second quarter may continue. The government purchases commercial housing and land to help real estate companies improve liquidity, but real estate stabilization takes time to observe. The equity market responded actively to policy adjustments, while the bond market was relatively passive. Risks include geopolitics and policies that exceed expectations.

Newsletter text

[Supply expansion drives economic recovery]

Data from April this year showed that on the supply sidevideopokergamesonlineUnder the expansion of 2010, the economy has gradually returned to a healthy state. However, domestic demand is still performing poorly.

Nominal growth is lower than real growth

The pressure on corporate profits has increased, which suggests that improvements in the supply side may not be fully translated into positive signals on the demand side.

Government purchases commercial housing and land

Recently, the government has taken acquisition measures aimed at injecting liquidity into real estate companies, improving their financing conditions, and preventing further market tightening.

[The stability of the real estate market requires long-term observation]

The stabilization process of the real estate industry may be relatively long, and it is necessary to consider the downward pressure on the industry and the details of policy implementation.

Differential responses between bond markets and equity markets

In the adjustment of real estate policies, the reactions of the bond market and the equity market show different characteristics. The equity market relies more on expectations for pricing, while the bond market pays more attention to the actual effects of policies.

[Differences between policy implementation and market expectations may increase volatility]

In the process of policy advancement, differences between expectations and reality may further aggravate the volatility of the equity market.

Risk Warning

Risks that need to be aware of include geopolitical factors and policies that exceed expectations.