crashbandicoot4steam| Sinosteel Network Steel Market: Real estate sales stabilize Steel market spot and raw material prices stabilize and rise

Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:23

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The spot stock in the steel market generally rose.Crashbandicoot4steamMarket sentiment improved; SMM data showed a slight increase in blast furnace operating rate and capacity utilization. The decline in sales of housing companies has narrowed compared with the same period last year, and policy support is expected to stabilize. Building materials and plate prices are bullish, steel mills are willing to raise prices, and steel and raw material prices are expected to rise steadily in the short term.

Text of news flash

[the supply and demand pattern in the market is gradually improving, and the current price of the steel market is about to face a new round of rise]

In the latestCrashbandicoot4steamIn the market observation, the spot steel market rose significantly, and the black futures market also showed strong momentum. At present, the gradual improvement of the relationship between supply and demand and the improvement of market sentiment have brought positive signals to the steel market.

[SMM statistics: blast furnace operating rate and capacity utilization rate rose slightly]

According to the data provided by SMM, the operating rate of blast furnace reached 93% on May 22nd.Crashbandicoot4steam.17%, a month-on-month increase of 0Crashbandicoot4steam.19%, while capacity utilization was 94.87%, an increase of 0.25% compared with the previous month. The average daily hot metal output of the sample steel mills rose to 2.2688 million tons, an increase of 5600 tons compared with the previous month.

[sales data of housing enterprises: the sales of the top 100 housing companies shrank in April compared with the same period last year.]

Recently, housing companies have announced their sales results from January to April in 2024, and the decline in April sales among the top 100 housing companies has decreased compared with the same period last year. With the accelerated implementation of favorable policies, it is expected that the sales of housing enterprises will gradually stabilize.

[building materials market: prices will remain stable tomorrow, partially rising]

Today, quotations in the building materials market continue to rise, although the shipping situation is not very optimistic. Based on the continuous improvement of the housing market policy, the forecast of building materials prices shows that the national building materials prices will remain stable tomorrow and may rise in some areas.

[sheet market: spot prices will rise steadily tomorrow]

Today, the spot stock of plate is generally up 10-50 yuan, the daily increase of Shuangjiao is more than 4%, and the increase of iron ore is nearly 3%, which provides strong support at the cost end. Driven by market demand and cost, it is expected that the spot price of sheet metal will continue to rise steadily tomorrow.

[strip market: spot prices will remain stable tomorrow, partially rising]

The price of strip steel has risen today, although the overall trading volume is mediocre. Due to the compression of production profit space at the end of the steel mill, the strong willingness of manufacturers to raise prices, coupled with the macro positive, it is expected that the spot price of strip steel will remain stable tomorrow, and some may rise.

[pipe market: tomorrow's price is bullish]

Pipe prices rose steadily today, raw material prices and tube factory quotations have been raised, market transactions show a preferred trend. With the continuous game of the market, pipe prices are expected to rise steadily tomorrow.

[raw material market forecast: prices will become stronger in the midst of stability tomorrow]

Tomorrow's raw material market forecast shows that billet prices will strengthen, scrap prices will rise slightly, double coke prices remain stable, iron ore prices remain stable and are expected to rise.

[decision advice: low-inventory traders pick up goods on demand to avoid a lot of speculation]

Under the background of rising macro and cost, it is suggested that traders should adopt the strategy of covering goods while shipping goods. For low-inventory traders, it is recommended to take goods on demand and avoid speculative buying. From a technical point of view, the thread 2410 contract is expected to hit the 3850-3950 range in the coming month.