earncryptothroughgames| Self-selection center: Analysis of the flow of funds in hot sectors on May 23, 2024

Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:23

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The financial logic behind detailed reasoningearncryptothroughgames, release a clear signalearncryptothroughgames: Market capital movements are intensive, providing investors with new opportunities.

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[Alibaba Group announces new organizational structure adjustments] Alibaba Group recently announced adjustments to its organizational structureearncryptothroughgames, aims to respond to the trend of digital transformation and enhance business competitiveness. This adjustment involves multiple core business groups of the group, including retail, cloud business, digital media and entertainment. After the adjustment, each business group will have greater autonomy and be able to flexibly adjust strategies according to market demand. [Alibaba Cloud established three major business groups, and Zhang Jianfeng became president] In the Alibaba Cloud business segment, Alibaba Group established three major business groups, namely Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group, Alibaba Digital Services Group and Alibaba Cloud International Business Group. Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group, with Zhang Jianfeng as president, will focus on the research and development and application of cloud computing and AI technology. Alibaba Digital Services Group and Alibaba Cloud International Business Group have Jiang Fan and Yuan Jiachun as presidents respectively, responsible for the expansion of related businesses. [Taobao Tmall Commercial Group Merges, with Dai Shan as President] In terms of retail business, Alibaba Group merged Taobao and Tmall Commercial Group to form a new "Taobao Tmall Commercial Group." Dai Shan will serve as the group's president and continue to promote the integrated development of Taobao and Tmall in the e-commerce field. The combined group will integrate resources and optimize operational efficiency. [Established Local Life Group, Yu Yongfu as President] In addition, Alibaba Group also established a new "Local Life Group", with Yu Yongfu as President. The group will integrate businesses such as Gaode Map, Enliamo, and Feizhu to create a one-stop local life service platform. By integrating online and offline resources, Alibaba will further expand the local life service market. [The adjustment aims to optimize resource allocation and accelerate digital transformation] Alibaba Group stated that this organizational structure adjustment aims to optimize resource allocation and enhance business competitiveness. By giving each business group greater autonomy, Alibaba hopes to accelerate the digital transformation process and seize the opportunities of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. The adjusted organizational structure will help Alibaba achieve more efficient development in areas such as cloud computing, e-commerce, and local life. [Alibabaearncryptothroughgames: Continue to increase investment in scientific and technological innovation] In recent years, Alibaba Group has continued to increase investment in scientific and technological innovation and promote business transformation and upgrading. Alibaba said that in the future, it will continue to adhere to the innovation-driven development strategy, strengthen core technology research, and create an open and collaborative innovation ecosystem. Through continuous innovation, Alibaba hopes to create more value for users and promote the high-quality development of the digital economy.