coincryptogame|香港证监会与阿布札比金管局举行高层会议 探讨资产管理方面的潜在监管合作

Category:Entrepreneurship Date: View:31

Ms. Leung Fung-yee, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, and Ms. Choi Fung-yee, Executive Director of the Investment Products Division, held a meeting with Mr. Emmanuel Givanakis, Chief Executive Officer of the Abu Dhabi Global Market Financial Services Regulatory Authority (hereinafter referred to as the Abu Dhabi Financial Authority), in Athens, Greece yesterday. At the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on various topics such as the latest supervision and market development of Hong Kong's financial market and Abu Dhabi Global Market, and jointly discussed potential regulatory cooperation between the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission and the Abu Dhabi Monetary Authority in asset management.

according tocoincryptogameIt is understood that the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission has published a guide (available in English only) on its website to explain the overview of Abu Dhabi Global Market and explain how to sell Hong Kong funds in the UAE's inland market at Abu Dhabi Global Market and through Abu Dhabi Global Market through Abu Dhabi Global Market, for a simple reference for Hong Kong asset management companies and to help them seize the opportunities brought by regional market connectivity.