slammer38500| May starts well, and the market generally rises

Category:49jili Date: View:22


gamenftsteam| Strong power grid investment: Demand for distribution network equipment is growing, and the outlook for wind power, lithium battery and photovoltaic industries is improving

Category:49jili Date: View:20

快讯摘要 电网投资和风电需求保持高景气gamenftsteam,锂电产业链受益新能源车政策,光伏企业短期承压但预计二季度改善。建议关注良信股份、宏发股份等。风险提示gamenftsteam:政策、原材料价格波动,电动车产销不确定性。...

crashps4| Weixing Xincai sold 40,000 shares at a discount in bulk transactions

Category:49jili Date: View:22

伟星新材(002372)05月06日大宗交易平台共发生1笔成交,合计成交量40crashps4.00万股,成交金额705.60万元。成交价格平均为17.64元,相对今日收盘价折价0.00%。 05月06日伟星新材大宗交易一览成交量(万股) 成交金额(万元) 成交价格(元) 买方营业部 卖方营业...